It's September 11. Man. Hard to believe that 4 years ago, 2 planes hit America. How time flies. The people of America lost their sons, fathers, daughters and whatever for 4 years. And Bush is sending more sons and fathers and daughters and mothers to fight some bloody bullshit war. Amen brudda.
So, exams are over. Besides the catastrophic CSA exam, the rest was easy. Law was average. Gerrard was the man. Left the room in 1 hour. And I thought I could blaze the way for my fellow students. So much for my happy ending.
1 semester in Poly is over in a flash? What the fck. I just barely started to like my class and snap! Time for a new class! But I guess Law is lucky. We have 150 sad souls in the course, and I guess we 150 really can bond together or something.
When I first entered Law, I was like, "Shit!" WTF and I, KJ the LawBane, inside Law? But Fate raised her cruel head and shoved my inside. Great. So I entered the course with an empty mind but a couragous heart. And my courage nearly failed. Everyone was like, good English speakers and they seem to fcking know everything about the Law, including CJ's wife? And here I am, KJ the LawBane, mixing around with them. I thought the people inside were posers. They sounded artificial, not like good ole' 4E4. They all came from some top schools or something, and there was KJ, from Tampines Sec. Great. The underdog.
But then, after some time, you could sort of see that everyone was just like you in a way? They were all trying to carve out their own destiny from this helluva course called Law and Management, and many, contary to my belief, are not muggers? In fact, 1L05 is just like 4E4, we are a bunch of slackers, trying to float our own boats. And they ain't no Englishmen either. Some of us barely speak proper English! And I have great friends like Ah Pek Mud, Shi "Red" Ying, Vickie, Sheena and gang. We are plain Joes and Janes. And Law is not the mystical subject I thought it would be. I'm so glad I'm in Law. This course totally changed my perspective in life.
And this is only the first semester.
Your typical beng!