Your typical beng!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Hmm. I have a new girls theorem! Just created!

The prettyness of a girl is inverse proportional of the distance between you and her.
One can easily calculate the overall prettiness a girl has. Oh. The SI unit is Sheree. S for short. Together with my first and second theory, these 3 theories shall now be known as the Law of KJ. Nobel Prize is mine!

You know what's the 1 thing I dislike most? Thats when you, as a law abiding citizen of Singapore, start pissing into a urinal, and kids/people start to urinate beside you. That's actually al right. But the problem starts when the uncle unzips his damn fly and start jumping like a bloody frog to the urinal, trying to control his bladder or something! You will start to pray for the urine not to spray onto you and whatever. Or when the person puts Johnson back into the underwear after they left the urinal! Trying to show off their girth! My yi tian jian longer then your John ok! Or when the dad teaches the kid how to piss. They will go:

"Ah boy arh, take your bird bird out and shoot your urine out ok?"

I mean, it's not wrong to teach your kids how to, erm, utilise public utilities. But do it in private ok?

I just received this bulletin in my friendster. The bulletin organised some dates, and if your birthday falls on a date, you are a colour. So I am PINK. Yup. Pink. Why am I not orange, black or some respectable colours like Green? But. I am Pink. What's more, look what they said about being PINK!

*PINK* You are always trying your best in
everything, and like to help and care for other
people. But you are not easily satisfied. You have
negative thoughts about niggers, and you look for
man love because your a fairy.

And I am a fairy? Since when am I the tooth fairy? I thought the tooth fairy is shariffah? Negative thoughts about niggers. Hmm. Interesting.

Eugene! Don't laugh! YOU ARE PINK ALSO!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Have you guys and gals noticed the current cumming of those "ChioBu" clubs in friendster? You know what I always suspect? Behind these ChioBu clubs are Dirty old men playing chinese chess with these young girls faces! Hmm. Maybe I should start my own ChioBu friendster account. Then charge people such as PC, Randy and Hiap Hiap to access that account to play chinese chess! Don't think can work tho. There's Tok-Kong.Com as my competitor! NO FIGHT!

Congrats c1! You found a person you love! Hope you all <3 each other 1314, together forever! Hahha! Sounds cheesy even to me! Remember. 2 advices to you!

Imagine how many pregnant teens said the same thing?

Incest is the best! Put your sister to the test!

Ok. Enough pissing c1 off!

Monday, July 25, 2005

In the (bitter) memories of Sheree. I'm gonna blog this post act cute style!

m0ii jusstt cumm backk fr0mm Malaysiaa w0rrxx. Deree damnn h0tt! eee! Butt miee g0tt att therree cann0ee l3hhx. quittee funn acctuallyy. hehehe. Miee g0tt see seaa urrchiinn! g00tt al0tt 0ff spikkeyy spiikkess de. Verryy err x1n w0rxxs. Miee 0sh0 gott goo sn0rrkellinng! g0tt see fisshhyy! Dammnn kaawwaaaiii neehhx! miee g0tt g00 sunntann 0sh0. H0pee aftterr tann myy aii aii ZH PC Randy and Luqy wann to cumonmytits! blacckk blacckk mayyb theyy likke. Heehhee. Goiingg t0 stopp typpingg liikkee diisshh le. Revverrtt bacckk.

WTF. Typing that way is damn hard. Nvm.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

In the past, bravery is when you fight dragons. Nowadays, you just flash a boob and you are so FUCKING brave) person.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Are they really serious when they said these?

Jerry Falwell

AIDS is the wrath of a just God against homosexuals. To oppose it would be like an Israelite jumping in the Red Sea to save one of Pharoah's chariotters

AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals.

Joseph Scheidler (Pro-Life Action League)

"I would like to outlaw contraception...contraception is disgusting – people using each other for pleasure.

J. B. Stoner (White Supremacist)

"We had lost the fight for the preservation of the white race until God himself intervened in earthly affairs with AIDS to rescue and preserve the white race that he had created.... I praise God all the time for AIDS."

"AIDS is a racial disease of Jews and Niggers, and fortunately it is wiping out the queers. I guess God hates queers for several reasons. There is one big reason to be against queers and that is because every time some white boy is seduced by a queer into becoming a queer, means his white bloodline has run out."

SHIT DUDE! AIDS are killing people all over the world and they said that it is God sent? They are saying that it is purging the unclean? MOTHERF#@!%#@$%KERS? What about those who accidentally used contaminated syringes? HUH?

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Image hosted by

Makes you think about the magnitude of words, and actions.

By the way, this picture is part of a project by

Which lets you send annonymous postcards to them to make an art piece or something. Do check it out.

Another gem.

Image hosted by

Friday, July 08, 2005

Woo! The tests are gonna be over in about 13 hours time! Gotta celebrate! The tests this week kind of suck. Econs is alright. CSA is alright. PoM....HAHA! I think i will fail that stupid subject! Damn Management. Been meeting up with that Randy these few days? We STUDIED OK!? Me, Luqman, Zul and Randy STUDYING! The 4 slackers of 4e4 studying. What the hell is wrong these days! Yeah! And read Van's blog! SHE FAILED! HAHAHAHAHA! I KNEW THIS DAY WOULD COME OK! NA NA NANANANA! K. Enough of the childishness. Van. You failed. Na na! I can't help gloating!!!

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Hmm. Had a really nice trip yesterday. Randy and I wanted to study, so we met up with Pin Chen to play for a while before we start mugging. But due to some unforseen circumstances, we went to play pool. For 3 hours. Till 9 o clock. No more studying. Yay. Haha!

Just found out that the world is so damn small! Yesterday's pool trip was joined by 3 other "new comers". Sherri, Aloysius and Nicole. Basically, Sherri is Wai Kuan's friend, while Aloysius is my uncle's friend, and Nicole is my long lost primary school friend. Great huh? Really had fun playing pool with them. Eh! IF YOU GUYS ARE READING THIS, WANNA PLAY POOL SOME OTHER DAY?
