So I got myself a new blogskin! Had to go to to find 1. Lemme tell you, finding a nice blog skin in that website is harder then finding Nemo! Cos' that bloody site full of shitheads wh00 typpee liekk dishh! So, as a man a principle(ahem!), I had to avoid these people like a plague. So there goes like 90% of the skins.
Then I wanted to look for simple skins. Easy right? Just type in the word "simple" in the search bar? BUT NOOO!!! When I did it there was like at least 10 simple plan skins! So I recoiled in horror. And I had to calm myself down for 10 minutes before I dare to walk into the abyss of Emo-ness! It's like Frodo going to Mount Doom I tell you. At least he had Sam to accompany him! And most likely brokeback with him!
So after trails that would even daunt Heracles, I found this wonderful skin! Easy to read, nice layout!To the skin creator, thank you! You made me regain faith in humanity again! You are my hope and savior! Amen!
You never know what you had until you lose them man. Sounds cliche, no? But it's true man. I formatted both of my hard drives yesterday and all my pr0n0 was gone! Now I miss them! Shit!