Your typical beng!

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

My mp3 died! Argh! It's like your best friend's demise! I mean, that piece of nifty gadget played songs for me, went through rain and shine with me, and experienced life with me, and now my Rhomba MX100 died! It is a unique relationship between man and machine. She was like a real woman; if you managed to diss her off, she will refuse to work and give you hell until she knows you are in near death condition. I'm sorry.

Anyway, we went to KBOX just now. Can say that we sang the hell out of that place. Mostly we sang Jay Chou's songs. I've always been listening to his slow songs like An Jing( Silence) and whatever, but this is the first tyme I ever sang his songs at a Karaoke session. Damn. Can relate to his songs. I mean, why did she kill my feelings, then bring it up again? Why did she stilled my heart, but the wanna make it love again? Whaoh. These phrases just come out of my head from nowhere. Damnit. True love never dies. YEAH. RIGHT. Those bards/loremasters who sang about love being innocent/sweet should be shot. I've only experienced it for a little while and my God, I'm hurting like nobody's business already. Maybe love indeed was innocent during Medieval times. But not today. Not gonna rant. Already out of topic.

So we sang songs like An Jing and Jie Kou. SAng Jay Chou's songs for some 2 hours. Then Ivy decided to sing her songs. LOL. Then we sang some duets? Guang Huai Fang Shi/Ai De Zhen Hao. Don't ask me about the quality of the songs. We've been singing for about 3-4 hours straight by the tyme the duet starts. No more vocal control. XD. But now I'm broke. Left about 2 bucks. IVY! YOU OWE ME 10 BUCKS! ARHH!!!!