Your typical beng!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

You know there's this weird feeling where you absolutely know you have to say something but you don't know what to say? It's like now! I seriously need to say something but I don't know what to say!

The details are all copied into my subconscious mind but when I try to recall them they JUST do not want to come out! Irritating la nah beh! Grr.

Ok. Hope the conveyancing role-play goes smoothly later! Like vanilla smooth. Or ice cream smooth.

Yeah and I realised that the letter C is pretty redundant in the English language! As illustrated below!

Chair = Tjhair.
Cigarette = Sigarette.
Cook = Kook.

Weird huh! C is useless! C is redundant! Remove C! Ok the above musing about the letter C was unintended!

You could be my unintended!

Hillary Klinton.
Kristopher Shepherdson Mark.
James Kook.


Which leads to a statement an ex-classmate of mine once made.

"Successful people often has H in their names."

Ok, the letter H looks good. It looks balanced! But successful?

Ok let's list down the successful people who has H in their names shall we?

"Yeo Hiap Seng" <--Not to be confused with Yeo Ker Siang.

"Hilary Clinton"

"Henry VIII"

"Triple H"


"Alfred Hitchcock"

Eh I can't list out any more! See! The letter H has nothing to do with successful people! The letter H just looks good!