You know there's this weird feeling where you absolutely know you have to say something but you don't know what to say? It's like now! I seriously need to say something but I don't know what to say!
The details are all copied into my subconscious mind but when I try to recall them they JUST do not want to come out! Irritating la nah beh! Grr.
Ok. Hope the conveyancing role-play goes smoothly later! Like vanilla smooth. Or ice cream smooth.
Yeah and I realised that the letter C is pretty redundant in the English language! As illustrated below!
Chair = Tjhair.
Cigarette = Sigarette.
Cook = Kook.
Weird huh! C is useless! C is redundant! Remove C! Ok the above musing about the letter C was unintended!
You could be my unintended!
Hillary Klinton.
Kristopher Shepherdson Mark.
James Kook.
Which leads to a statement an ex-classmate of mine once made.
"Successful people often has H in their names."
Ok, the letter H looks good. It looks balanced! But successful?
Ok let's list down the successful people who has H in their names shall we?
"Yeo Hiap Seng" <--Not to be confused with Yeo Ker Siang.
"Hilary Clinton"
"Henry VIII"
"Triple H"
"Alfred Hitchcock"
Eh I can't list out any more! See! The letter H has nothing to do with successful people! The letter H just looks good!
Your typical beng!