Your typical beng!

Sunday, March 06, 2005

After being asked to do some soul searching by a hard-line Christian, I still did not see the the so called "holy within" or something. Maybe my soul is just too tainted. Yeah right.

Why do they keep asking me to become one of them? One of those hard-liners who turned the Church into a country club? Is this the way to treat a place where a person could at least find some peace? Blasphemy I say! This people turned a religion, a teaching into something warped, into something which just brings more pain to others. I've known hard-liners who forced their parents to join them by saying that "We would not attend a non-christian funeral" at their parents deathbed. There's a thin line between religious fervour, and a brainwashed zealots. These hard-liners crossed it. I've known hard-liners to disown their brothers and sisters, just because they do no suscribe to their beliefs. Read the 4th commandments which Moses accepted from God.

"Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee."

How about the Catholics?
Honor thy Father and thy Mother."

Hebrew anyone?
Honour thy father and thy mother; in order that thy days may be prolonged upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee."

Yeah. Trust those people to break God's commandments. And they said they are peace loving. Bullcrap. Look at this. Statistics shown that 1/2 of the world suscribe to the same God(Christianity-God. Catholic=God. Muslim-Allah. Jews=Yahweh.) Yet it is this 1/2 of the world that hates each other, that tries to slaughter each other. Is this correct? Does it matter what name you call your God? God is an entity who bears many faces, different looks, for he is omnipotent. Yet, because of what you call your God, the way you show respect to him, that you people pick up arms to maim, to kill each other. Is this correct? so much for "love thy neighbour as if thy neighbour is thy brother" or something like that. Or what about "
Thou shalt not kill."? Does this commandment only applies to those who suscribe to your faith?

More to come.