Your typical beng!

Friday, April 22, 2005

Had a nightmare just now. Wouldn't type out the contents here, but oh my god. It's one of those continuous thingy you know? You get jolted awake(phrase currently trademarked by Vanessa Tan Guan Hui), and then when you fall asleep, the nightmare continues! Feeling really insecure now.

Gonna play pool with my homies later on. Any one wanna come join us? Lol. I think we are going to Pavillion to play. See you there =P

I still have not got my stupid TP thing! Stupid TP la! Send something can send so slow 1! Faster leh!

2 casinos are going to be opened in Singapore. That means 10,000 jobs will be created? Hmm. But among these 10,000, a significant percentage will be given to foreigners. Which is stupid.

Eh. Why am I blogging about bs? Kk. Gotta go!