So I was surfing the place that didn't exist when I saw this photo. Nah beh. Lim beh thought is char bor. Then knn end up become tar bor. Bloody bishounens.
Japan is really a cesspool of ideas. Look at the lolitas and the goths and the emos there man. Damn cool place to be in. Cool till' our teenagers wanna imitate. Like Jeslyn! That day I was like looking at my MSN block list. Then I saw this girl:
Miniistry 0ff harrtbreakss: Fr0mm japp t00 g0thhic, shudden channgee
Then after a while I looked again, this time it was:
Miniistry off harrtbreakss: I amm evill xia00 mann t0uu, I'll crushh eurr b0nness andd drinnk eurre bl00d.
FUCK! I just cannot get the images out of my brain! Jitao gothic pac man! She already looked like a vampire to start with, now she wanna be gothic!? WTF!? The ancient goths are roiling in their graves! This travesty cannot be go unpunished! The dark Gods are displeased!