Your typical beng!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Singapore online gamers read up. - A little video of a 1v1 Duel. If I'm not mistaken, It's a crusader vs a Seal Master. (postitive on the Crusader part, not 100% on the Seal Master). Also, yes it's point and click, but with a graphical style like RO, that's expected. - A little bit of info is revealed on Guild vs Guild war. Still not much is known (even one of the company people says he doesn't know much on it), but the battles will be like an RTS MMO style, People will need to do different things like sea battle, land battle, woodcut (to repair ships) in order to win. Not much more is known, but the idea of an RTS like Guild War system sounds awesome. One of the Company person says (quoted): "lets just say the system seems abit like warcraft dota...not 5 V 5 but rather 80 Vs 80"
Yea, so yay for more info. The one annoyance is that the company is based in Singapore, so all those damn people on the forums are idiots (save for that 1 person who posted all the useful info, and one of the company people), and will probably be idiots ingame, but it's bearable I guess.
I usually would fucking come to the rescue of our beloved island monarchy(HAHAH) but this time I really have to agree. I mean, have you all played MapleSEA? IT'S THE BIGGEST PIECE OF SHIT OUT THERE ON THE MARKET. The community's shit! Imagine this:
TBND is currently leveling at Henessys Dungeon(I dunno whether it bloody exist. Sue me.)
*L0rbbeeuu1314 walks by*
lorbbeeuu1314: Eh CC CC CC CC or I defame!
TBND: Eh your father Lee Kwan Yew issit? Dungeon yours arh?
Suddenly the fucking place is filled with shitheads and you see your fame get reduced by 100. FUCK YOU UNDERSTAND. Don't bring your shit to the internet ok little shitheads.
Our generation people are seriously fucking inconsiderate and sadly that includes me. Hahaha sue me.