"Your enthusiasm is more important than you realize. Unlock your inner cheerleader."
Wah kao! Unlock my inner cheerleader? Later like Tammy how?
That Tammy girl is damn poor thing. Now the whole world knows that she had sex with someone. Even the forum I frequents knows that her sex video was out there. There's everyone's trading her videos online man! Wasted she's not Paris Hilton or else she could have gotten a job as a model! Kena fucked by society man. Last I heard, she is facing expel?
WTF? Expel her for? Having sex with another man and getting caught? Or ruining the school's reputation? This is unfair man.
Then somemore there's this big mainstream media hoo-haa. It seems that we Singaporeans are still damn sheltered. Hey, every teenager out there is not promiscuous nor are we sexual creatures! Nan mo orh mee tuo fuo and amen for good measure. Please my fellow countrymen. There's no need to write to Straits Times to say that you are disgusted with the moral decay of our society and infidels should be struck down by the wrath of God. She made a mistake, yes, but I believe that pre-maritual sex exists in your generation too. Hell, you might even had taken part in it. So don't cover your eyes with the fabric of society norms. Do not stick your head into the sand. Teenagers, just like you at that age, have sex.
Get over it good sirs and madams.
Your typical beng!