Your typical beng!
Saturday, December 30, 2006
"Eh bian, you chou yen ma"
Which I honestly and stupidly replied
Then, the strangest thing happened! He just passed me this pack of cigarettes! Not those flip top cigarettes, but the ciggys were sealed inside those metallic foil thingy used for medicine and BBQs!
So I opened the seal. Inside were 10 cigarettes and some plastic casings. And strangely there was an instruction manual inside. Weird huh. I read the manual, and I BLOODY RECALL VIVIDLY ON SECTION 5 IT SAID THAT SMOKING THIS CIGARETTE WILL CAUSE YOUR WEINER TO HURT LIKE A FUCKING BITCH!
But knowing the brave, gung ho, and stupid KJ, I attached the ciggys into the plastic casing and took ONE HARD DRAG on the cigarette.
Whoah. The kick I swear is like gudang garam plus weed man. Damn song.
But at the same time my weiner hurts like a bitch. That's when I woke up.
I checked my weiner when I woke up. Eh nothing leh.
I love dreams.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
2006 has been the biggest motherfucking year a person has to face. Lan jiao year I swear. I started smoking again, about to reach my 1 pack a day, found out my heart will fail someday, nearly died, was hospitalised.
And I lost you.
The strangest thing is that I don't feel anything anymore. I'm just a shadow I guess. The previous experiences stripped me of my ability to feel the pain. I'm without feeling.
Death must be so liberating.
Sorry for feeling so depressed guys.
I just wanted to say what I wanted for a change.
And I wish I didn't.
Happy new year.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
I was thinking deeply when I realised something.
Eh. Pluto not planet liao!
Monday, December 18, 2006

I've been listening to LOADS of Wu Bai & China Blue lately! Damn power! After one hour or "Lang Ren Qing Ge" I feel like jumping down my block and splatter my body over some indians or malays or manjes!
Em Am EmDamn power can! Razor blade and emo hairstyle, here I come!
不要再想妳 不要再爱妳
G D Em
G D Em
对於妳的名字 从今不会再提起
Am D
不再让悲伤 将我心佔据
Em Am Em
让它随风去 让它无痕跡
G D Em
G D Em
Am D G
不愿再承受 要把妳忘记
C D G D Em
将妳和我的爱情全部 敲 碎
Am D
Am D G
不愿再承受 要把妳忘记
Am D G
妳会看见的 把妳忘记.....啊啊
我不要再想妳 不要再爱妳 不会再提起妳
我的生命中 不曾有妳
Ok time to elaborate more on the previous few weeks.
Last week was hell. Exams suddenly come popping out can! Knn Conveyancing Law and Procedure was the worst. Fucking asked me what statute that states that ang mohs must get permit. Lan jiao. Singapore no statute la, got Dragon dynasty can liao!
And Winsor did the tarots for me again. hahaha! Why am I not surprised when I see the Tower in my past again? Guess no matter how much you try to run or hide, the past always come back to haunt you.
Screw you bitch. 不愿再承受, 要把妳忘记.
And Sheena was saying something about saving the world. You already saved more people then you know Sheena.
Then came Food Comm meeting. Was damn reluctant to go. But lucky I went 'cos it was actually quite fun! I like the "Golden Pillow" curry kueh! Next time I chut I need to order that 1! Damn filling and power!
不要再想妳 不要再爱妳.
Get out of my mind you bitch.
我不要再想妳 不要再爱妳 不会再提起妳
我的生命中 不曾有妳....
Fuck off.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
I love the way Philip Morris makes reversely advertise their goods.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006
The finding caps nearly three decades of research both by Piyare Jain, Ph.D., UB professor emeritus in the Department of Physics and lead investigator on the research, who works independently -- an anomaly in the field -- and by large groups of well-funded physicists who have, for three decades, unsuccessfully sought the recreation and detection of axions in the laboratory, using high-energy particle accelerators.
The paper, available online in the British Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics at , will be published in the January 2007 issue.
Results first were presented during a two-day symposium held in October at UB that celebrated Jain’s 50-year career in the physics department in the College of Arts and Sciences.
During that symposium, the world-renowned and Nobel Prize-winning scientists in attendance expressed astonishment and delight that the axion finally might have been found.
The axion has been seen as critical to the Standard Model of Physics and is believed to be a component of much of the dark matter in the universe.
"These results show that we have detected axions, part of a family of particles that likely also includes the very heavy Higgs-Boson particle, which at present is being sought after at different laboratories," said Jain.
The story of the search for the axion particle in high-energy physics -- not to be confused with the search by cosmologists and astrophysicists for axions produced by the sun -- reads almost like a novel,
with veritable armies of physicists committing many years of research and passion to its discovery starting in the 1970s.
In 1977, theoretical physicists predicted that there should exist a particle with characteristics very similar to those described in Jain’s papers; in that publication, the term "axion" was coined. After that theoretical work, there was a mushrooming of papers from both theoretical and experimental physicists all chasing the axion using low-, medium- and high-energy accelerator beams from different laboratories worldwide.
But when it proved to be too elusive, many in the physics community then abandoned the search in the 1990s, based on puzzling evidence that perhaps this tantalizing particle didn’t exist after all. Some groups flatly denied its existence and began referring to it as a "phantom."
Jain’s initial interest in the elusive particles originated with work he began publishing in 1974 in Physical Review Letters and other journals that demonstrated evidence for particles with very low mass and very short lifetimes during particle accelerator experiments he conducted at Fermilab and Brookhaven National Laboratory.
At the time, Jain’s papers elicited little interest from other physicists.
"This particle was there in my original paper in 1974," he said. "The experiment gave a hint that these particles existed but did not generate sufficient statistics to prove it. I knew I had to wait until a heavy ion beam at very high energy was available at a new accelerator."
As recently as 1999, a project called the CERES experiment at CERN in Geneva again focused on attempting to detect the axion, but that project also was unsuccessful.
The problem, according to Jain, was with their detector, which was electronic, the standard used in high-energy physics experiments today.
"They didn’t know how to handle the detector for short-lived particles," Jain said. "I knew that for this very short-lived particle -- 10-13 seconds -- the detector must be placed very near the interaction point where the collision between the projectile beam and the target takes place so that the produced particle doesn’t run away too far; if it does, it will decay quickly and it will be completely missed. That is what happened in most of the unsuccessful experiments." Instead, Jain used a visual detector, made of three-dimensional photographic emulsions, which act as both target and detector and that therefore can detect very short-lived particles, such as the axion. However, use of such a detector is so specialized that to be successful, it requires intensive training and experience. In the 1950s, Jain was trained to use this type of detector by its developer, the Nobel laureate, British physicist Cecil F. Powell. Jain has used it throughout his career to successfully detect other exotic
phenomena, such as the charm particle, the anomalon, the quark-gluon plasma and the nuclear collective flow. In Jain’s successful experiment, the axions were produced under extreme conditions of high temperature and high pressure, using a heavy ion lead beam with a total energy of 25 trillion electron volts at CERN in Geneva.
His experiments generated 1,220 electron pairs with identified vertices, the origin of each pair. They peaked at a distance of just 200-300 microns from the interaction point where the collisions take place in the emulsion.
"Only at that very short distance did I find the peak signal of this very-low-mass, short-lived particle with a neutral charge," he said.
After they are produced, axions rapidly decay into two electron pairs, the electron and the positron, he explained.
"We identified each vertex for each electron pair and we would not accept any electron pair unless we knew its vertex," he said. "There was a congestion of all kinds of low mass particles, including axions, near the detector. The background has to be filtered out from this congestion in order to obtain the signal of the axion."
Jain’s co-author on the paper is Gurmukh Singh, then a post-doctoral researcher at UB and now a visiting assistant professor in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at the State University of New York at Fredonia.
During Jain’s long and illustrious career at UB, he published 175 scientific papers on a wide variety of physics topics, ranging from cosmic ray research performed on balloon flights to National Institutes of Health-funded studies on bone tissue to find more effective cancer therapies. "After half a century as a scientist at UB, I find that with the discovery of this axion, my mission is complete," he concluded.
Source: University at Buffalo
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
I think I hate mats more then ever. I just saw this bunch of mats, holding on to their fucking cellphone, playing some shitty RnB music, then dancing to it! Eh you not Michael Jackson la chee bye. Knn shit people, shit music, shit dance moves. As expected.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
There are at least 10 swingers clubs in Singapore, most of them private, some of them online. With more than 6,000 members, the Web-based United SG Swingers is one of the biggest.
"There are a lot more people that are open to the idea. It's so widespread now," said a 42-year-old Singaporean company executive who only wanted to be identified as Jack.
"Swinging is all about sex. It's satisfying the urge to have casual sex and doing it with somebody you're comfortable with," said Jack, who has been swinging for 10 years.
For all their enthusiasm, few swingers tell family and friends about their lifestyle, although the practice is not illegal in Singapore.
"In Singapore, most people will perceive us as perverts," said a 39-year-old publisher who has been swinging for five years. "Look at our government policies, they say: 'Let's open up.' But our policies have always remained very conservative."
Wealthy Singapore, which has consistently ranked near the bottom in a global survey of sexually active nations, has been struggling to shake off its reputation for prudishness.
Friday, it opened Sexpo 2006, the country's second sex exhibition, featuring an array of toys and seminars.
At United SG Swingers, people share erotic photographs, exchange personal ads and correspond about the next gathering. It is a close-knit community in which couples recommend good sex partners and criticize those who aren't.
A police spokesman confirmed that swinging is not illegal as long as it is done behind closed doors, is consensual and no money changes hands.
This year, the organizers of United SG Swingers started holding "on premise" parties, where couples can engage in group sex in houses and hotel rooms across Singapore.
At these parties, the bedrooms have a strict clothes-off rule and the "hard swingers" can engage in partner swapping. The "soft swingers" are couples who stand around and watch, or have sex with their own partners in full view of others.
Couples who swing say that seeing their own partners in action keeps their passion burning.
"It's like looking at cake and wanting to eat it," said the main organizer of United SG Swingers, 37-year-old IT specialist Josh, as his 32-year-old wife nodded in agreement.
But some swingers disapprove of these parties, saying they can degenerate into orgies.
"You can't establish pure friendships when there's a large group," said Ishak. "Genuine swingers would want to establish trust -- you can't trust a person just by meeting them one time and then think they can do it with your wife."
A 34-year-old Australian who attends swinging parties told Reuters that Singapore's scene is just evolving.
"It's very innocuous here, it's not like other countries," he said. "Compared to Australia and Europe, it's more discreet and less lively. Singaporeans are pretty reserved in a lot of ways."
I think Mek is finding the webby now.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
there is NO SUCH THING as a friendstertracker.
it does NOT exist. so quit postingstupidbulletins like
no, it doesnt.
To the people who have like 25,000friends,
are you serious?
You're stupid.
Go play in traffic.
Don't ever post pictures and say
"OMG, I'm so ugly"
"OMG, I'm so fat"
because if you were,
you wouldn't post them.
And if u do ur a freaking mongoloid.
Nobody cares about threats over theinternet.
Don't try to act hardcore with thekeyboard.
Fighting online is like racing in thespecialolympics;
even if you win, you're still retarded.
Quit crying
b/c you're not on someones top 8.
who cares?
Stop bitching!!!
Who really cares if
I don't accept you as a friend?
Don't send me another request ormessage asking
"what's up with you not adding me?"
I don't want you as a friend,
that's what's up bitch!!!
Little 12 year olds who have Friendster
and look like sluts, and act likewhores
go somewhere else
because nobody wants you here.
If you have decided to read this,
you are a true Friendster Friend.
Real friends read their bulletins.
I say you go and pass this on
and maybe it will finally get throughpeople's brains
And if you open a bulletin and it sayssomethinglike
"repost this in 100 seconds or a ghostwillrapeyourdogtonight,or some dead skinless girl isgonna rapeyourmom"
This is a test to see how many people
in your friends list
actually pay attention to you.
Repost this with..
"10 things idiots do on Friendster"
I was like thinking "how true" until I saw the person who posted it. THE IRONING IS DELICIOUS!
Yay. I am very very very bored now and I very very very want to eat a lot a lot a lot of curry puffs and drink loads and loads and loads of coke and smoke sticks and sticks and sticks of ciggys.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
This was announced by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in Parliament on Monday.
However, when the rise will be implemented, will be decided later.
Speaking in Malay, Mandarin and English, Mr Lee explained that the hike was necessary to finance the enhanced social safety nets, needed to help the lower income group and he emphasised that the offset package would more than counter the rise in GST.
While Singapore's current model to tackle the widening income gap is sound, Mr Lee said the government would take on two approaches to deal with the new environment - to strengthen the safety nets and tilt the balance in favour of the lower-income groups who do not benefit from the fruits of economic growth.
To do this, government spending will have to go up. The government now spends some 15 percent of its GDP - one of the lowest in the world.
"This is inevitable over the next 5 to 10 years. Infrastructure investments will cost money - R&D is to cost $5b over the next 5 years; as medical technology improves, people age and more will go to hospitals to get more treatment, so spending is bound to go up. As we tilt the playing field across the board, the lower income will be getting another boost, not just once in a while. Therefore its better to start building resources now so that when we spend more, we have the means to do so," said Mr Lee.
To finance this, indirect taxes or the Goods & Services Tax will have to go up.
"It will give us precious extra resources to implement social programmes like Workfare later on. Our aim is to help the lower income groups and the elderly, not to increase their burdens. When we implement the GST increase, it's not just the GST increase, it's the package which will fully offset the impact of the GST increase and begin to strengthen the social safety nets and tilt the balance in favour of the low income groups - we will not just raise the GST but we will have a comprehensive offset package," said Mr Lee.
This package will be weighted more to the middle and the low income groups, especially the elderly, and it will more than offset the GST increase.
"It is not just an offset package to deal with the GST. It is a whole set of measures which we are taking in order to tilt the playing field in favour of the lower income group, which is what we have to add and tally in the balance, and my purpose is to help the lower income group. For the middle income, it will be generally about ok; for the higher income, I think the higher income should end up paying more overall. It's part of being one society. I'm not going to tax 15% on income tax, I'm not going to tax 25% from GST the way the Scandanavians do, but I have to make the adjustments of 2% which I think is fair and I think Singaporeans will support," added Mr Lee.
He explained that it is better to do the increase now when the economy is doing well, rather than wait till later. This will give the government time to see how this adjustment can be managed, and to cope better with the unknown forces of globalisation over the next 5 to 7 years.
More details of the GST increase will be announced on 15 February 2007, which is Budget Day. Mr Lee added that Second Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam would deliver the Budget speech.
Another change will be the amending of the Constitution to allow the government to tap the capital gains received from investing the national reserves. - CNA /dt
Lan jiao I tell you. Eh cheng hu lemme tell you. You want to help low income right don't need to make a lot of pattern one. Just cut down the tax. You few months ago increase bus fare now you increase GST? Fucking hell now one pack of rice like 30 cents more because of your chee bye tax. Eh siao eh. Every item 30 cents you add up la. You buy rice 30 cents. You buy bak 30 cents. You buy veggie 10 cents. Add here add there end up chee bye fortune liao. Eh brother, your pay 1 million can tahan 30 cents leh. My pay kanina 200 dollars 30 cents become material leh. Nah beh. Ciggy tax, GST, transport, stamp fee, every lan jiao also want to tax. Kanina next time I at TP eat beef steak you tax me Beef Tax issit? You see our pay a not? Got increase a not?
Simi lan jiao more precious supplies. Our money tak ni surplus dunno how many billion no need top wa lang eh lui eh la. Lim beh ke tan jiak ng pa ko nia leh, ai bueh hun ki ma ai san xiong si xiong, ni nah beh.
Simi lan jiao safety net. You take the net and hang us on the neck la. Quicker and less cost.
Fucking just smoke away my life la.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
" My Fourteen Favorite Boys!!
Firstly, I want all of you to know that I love u to death and its hard for me to only pick 14 boys to send this to, so consider yourself lucky ... or is it not lucky? If I dont get this back I understand =) I have a game for you.
This game has been played since 1977. Once you read this letter, you must send it to 14 males within five days. On the fifth day, SHE(the female of your choice) will either ask you out, or say "I love you." Please send this to your 14 FAV0RitE males. It has worked for years. Good luck boys.
A perfect way to end the day. Thank you man.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Winsor, please go be a magician or wizard. I swear you will become Gandalf or Zedd.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Love to love, love to love, love to love.
Maybe forgiving is as about forgiving yourself as to forgive others.
I still can't forgive myself.
I'm sorry.
To you.
You know who you are.
Friday, October 20, 2006
So I finished working. Puahing flyers. Easy job dey! Sit there, smoke 1/4 pack of ciggarettes, play pool, go dance DDR and Para-Para then come back get money. Next time work I must also like that. Pay you to smoke! Like Philip Morris got sponsor!
Then I went down to Paya Labar. Eh BTW Paya Labar is one hellhole man. Chee bye 1 build road here build road there. Kan ni na I every Sunday pass by there build road. Nah beh build dunno how many years liao still build. Nah beh build road to Rome also no need so slow. Yah where was I. Ok. Then I went down to that shithole that is called Teo Industries Building. Eh Benny the road is called SHAW Road not SHORE Road! Went there and met my soulmates Chris and Regan, who not so incidentally provide the means for my continued intake of tar and ethanol. Did some shit there, and went home.
BUT HERE IS WHERE THE ADVENTURE STARTS! The paragraphs above are like the prologue of a novel arh. Must make you all xim yang yang then want to read. Boh bian must practice journalism liao Law cannot study GPA too low.
Yah where was I. Ok. The Malaysian in me surfaced. The dumb, smoker, Marco Polo wanna-be side of me decided to take a bus back to Tampines. The Singaporean, spend-thrift, asshole side of me wanted to take a taxi. But boh bian la. Lifestlye expensive. The Singaporean decided to take a leaf out of our Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's Bible(May He live forever) and let the Malaysian win. So KJ took a bus.
BAD MISTAKE FUCKHEAD, BAD MISTAKE. The dumb side of KJ took over and he took bus 22. Yup, bus 22. So he travelled on a bus, pretending he was on a camel, meeting many exotic ladies and mysterious old men along the way, and earned a fortune trading spices and goods to the people of the East. Unfortunately again, he followed Christopher Colombus' ship waves instead of some other respectable adventurers. So, the Malaysian KJ turned up in Bishan.
So KJ wandered along the streets of Bishan, a foreigner in a strange land, far away from home. Luckily, KJ had a contact in Bishan. A lady named Deborah. So he contacted her. And she told KJ there wasn't any bus back home.
Home is where the heart is, but KJ's heart is certainly not in Bishan.
So, KJ couldn't find a tavern in Bishan, nor a stable where he could spend his night in. Then the Singaporean part in him roused from what seemed like delayed alcohol slumber. A mighty battle in his brain ensued, in which the Singaporean part won. A thought rang in his head like a church bell that was rung by the Hunchback of Notre Dame.
He was living in the 21st Century.
All the illusions of riding on camels and exotic ladies disappeared faster then a djinni on steriods. Holding on his possessions tighty(which consist of only 4 pieces of paper), he took a train home.
The end.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
By THOMAS WATKINS, Associated Press Writer Fri Oct 13, 3:02 PM ET
CORONADO, Calif. - A Navy SEAL sacrificed his life to save his comrades by throwing himself on top of a grenade Iraqi insurgents tossed into their sniper hideout, fellow members of the elite force said.
Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael A. Monsoor had been near the only door to the rooftop structure Sept. 29 when the grenade hit him in the chest and bounced to the floor, said four SEALs who spoke to The Associated Press this week on condition of anonymity because their work requires their identities to remain secret.
"He never took his eye off the grenade, his only movement was down toward it," said a 28-year-old lieutenant who sustained shrapnel wounds to both legs that day. "He undoubtedly saved mine and the other SEALs' lives, and we owe him."
Monsoor, a 25-year-old gunner, was killed in the explosion in Ramadi, west of Baghdad. He was only the second SEAL to die in
Iraq since the war began.
Two SEALs next to Monsoor were injured; another who was 10 to 15 feet from the blast was unhurt. The four had been working with Iraqi soldiers providing sniper security while U.S. and Iraqi forces conducted missions in the area.
In an interview at the SEALs' West Coast headquarters in Coronado, four members of the special force remembered "Mikey" as a loyal friend and a quiet, dedicated professional.
"He was just a fun-loving guy," said a 26-year-old petty officer 2nd class who went through the grueling 29-week SEAL training with Monsoor. "Always got something funny to say, always got a little mischievous look on his face."
Other SEALS described the Garden Grove, Calif., native as a modest and humble man who drew strength from his family and his faith. His father and brother are former Marines, said a 31-year-old petty officer 2nd class.
Prior to his death, Monsoor had already demonstrated courage under fire. He has been posthumously awarded the Silver Star for his actions May 9 in Ramadi, when he and another SEAL pulled a team member shot in the leg to safety while bullets pinged off the ground around them.
Monsoor's funeral was held Thursday at Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery in San Diego. He has also been submitted for an award for his actions the day he died.
The first Navy SEAL to die in Iraq was Petty Officer 2nd Class Marc A. Lee, 28, who was killed Aug. 2 in a firefight while on patrol against insurgents in Ramadi. Navy spokesman Lt. Taylor Clark said the low number of deaths among SEALs in Iraq is a testament to their training.
Sixteen SEALs have been killed in
Afghanistan. Eleven of them died in June 2005 when a helicopter was shot down near the Pakistan border while ferrying reinforcements for troops pursuing al-Qaida militants.
There are about 2,300 of the elite fighters, based in Coronado and Little Creek, Va.
The Navy is trying to boost that number by 500 — a challenge considering more than 75 percent of candidates drop out of training, notorious for "Hell Week," a five-day stint of continual drills by the ocean broken by only four hours sleep total. Monsoor made it through training on his second attempt.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Went to the doc on Monday. Doc said my tricuspid valve is faulty. Some regurgitation. Yay. Then went to the doc on Tuesday. Doc said my spine is bent. Yay.
Tick tock goes my biological clock man. Death really wants to tango with me. Come la Death!
See, even if I quit smoking, some other disease is going to take me away anyway. Why fucking bother?
Eh God, can RM my life a not? I not very happy la. I random my life till kena shit everytime.
Fucking depressed.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Living life by the seat of your pants might seem very attractive today. There's a strong hunger for spontaneity around you right now, the likes of which you haven't seen in quite a while. It's been so long, in fact, that you might not recognize it! If you're still obsessed with the idea that planning and organization are the only things that are going to give you a better grip on what's going on around you, today is the day to rethink that.
KJ, don't take things literally.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
She didn't change; I did. My old self would have not recgonised the new KJ.
Would my old self despise the new KJ? Definitely. Will the new KJ think that the old him is an idealist, and a fool at that? Of course. But he will forever look back at the old him wistfully, wishing that time and the process of growing up did not chip away his innocence, poking holes through it's chinks, until a husk is finally left.
The memories are a prison a prisoner himself made, with bricks of emotions and the mortars of tears. He builds a cocoon of torment. The sad irony is that the prisoner holds the key to the cell door, but does not lust for the freedom, only wanting it's monotony. He prefers the daily torture, for fear of what lies in stall for him outside.
I had finally opened the door.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
A catastrophe of the highest magnitude.
The ah bengs and ah lians will taint the lands of Azeroth! The burning crusade won by using the ah lians and ah bengs!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
God is dead.
"God is dead for the prisoner in death row, God is dead for the child dying in the sickbed, and God is dead for me, when I contracted polio."

He is so damn cool! He makes women swoon with his Aussie accent! He makes young boys like me wish that they can travel across the seven seas, finding porpoises and dolphins and manticores to slay and tame and oogle at! AND NOW GOD TOOK HIM AWAY! And to add salt to the injury he is killed by:

This! A bloody stingray! I swear I will avenge you Mr Irwin. I swear I will go to Newton Food Center and eat the damn stingray. I swear I will bite into the flesh with relish, and taste the flesh of the scums that killed my hero.
Do not fear my dear friends, for with me is the one thing that shall make the stingray tremble in their stings. It is none other then:

The fearsome Tiger. Feared in the jungles of Malaya and the deep mountains of China, the almighty tiger shall accompany me in the quest to slay the stingray.
May Irwin's spirit be calmed by this vow of revenge.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Rock music boosts your brain power!
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Hahahahah you emo bastards don't give me that excuse of wanting to cut yourself when you all listen to rock music!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Singapore online gamers read up. - A little video of a 1v1 Duel. If I'm not mistaken, It's a crusader vs a Seal Master. (postitive on the Crusader part, not 100% on the Seal Master). Also, yes it's point and click, but with a graphical style like RO, that's expected. - A little bit of info is revealed on Guild vs Guild war. Still not much is known (even one of the company people says he doesn't know much on it), but the battles will be like an RTS MMO style, People will need to do different things like sea battle, land battle, woodcut (to repair ships) in order to win. Not much more is known, but the idea of an RTS like Guild War system sounds awesome. One of the Company person says (quoted): "lets just say the system seems abit like warcraft dota...not 5 V 5 but rather 80 Vs 80"
Yea, so yay for more info. The one annoyance is that the company is based in Singapore, so all those damn people on the forums are idiots (save for that 1 person who posted all the useful info, and one of the company people), and will probably be idiots ingame, but it's bearable I guess.
I usually would fucking come to the rescue of our beloved island monarchy(HAHAH) but this time I really have to agree. I mean, have you all played MapleSEA? IT'S THE BIGGEST PIECE OF SHIT OUT THERE ON THE MARKET. The community's shit! Imagine this:
TBND is currently leveling at Henessys Dungeon(I dunno whether it bloody exist. Sue me.)
*L0rbbeeuu1314 walks by*
lorbbeeuu1314: Eh CC CC CC CC or I defame!
TBND: Eh your father Lee Kwan Yew issit? Dungeon yours arh?
Suddenly the fucking place is filled with shitheads and you see your fame get reduced by 100. FUCK YOU UNDERSTAND. Don't bring your shit to the internet ok little shitheads.
Our generation people are seriously fucking inconsiderate and sadly that includes me. Hahaha sue me.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Ozone in the stratosphere, outside the polar regions, stopped thinning in 1997, the scientists found after analyzing 25 years worth of observations.
The ozone layer shields the planet from the sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation, but human-made chemicals -- notably the chlorofluorocarbons found in some refrigerants and aerosol propellants -- depleted this stratospheric ozone, causing the protective layer to get thinner.
The scientists said the ozone layer's comeback is due in large part to compliance with an 1987 international agreement called the Montreal Protocol, which aimed to limit emissions of ozone-depleting chemicals.
"These results confirm the Montreal Protocol and its amendments have succeeded in stopping the loss of ozone in the stratosphere," said Eun-Su Yang of the Georgia Institute of Technology, who led a team that analyzed the data.
"At the current recovery rate ... the global ozone layer could be restored to 1980 levels -- the time that scientists first noticed the harmful effects human activities were having on atmospheric ozone -- sometime in the middle of this century," Yang said in a statement.
While ozone is a beneficial shield in the stratosphere, some six to 31 miles above Earth's surface, the ozone encountered at ground level can be damaging to lung tissue and plants and is a major component of smog.
The analysis was published in the Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres.
Researchers from
NASA and other agencies reported in June that the so-called ozone hole over Antarctica would recover by around 2068, which is some 20 years later than previously expected.
The Antarctic ozone hole is a massive loss of ozone that occurs each spring in the Southern Hemisphere.
A similar, though smaller and less severe, ozone hole has been reported in the Arctic.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Bloody long time never blog.
Education in fucking TP is getting from bad to worse. Ennui you see. Nothing to do, nothing to see, nothing to touch, nothing to fuck. Will get bloody bored. What saves me is my more and more frequent trip to our clean and green neighbour Bedok Reservoir to get my daily intake of menthol, tar, nicotine and cancer. Yay for an early death! Anyone want to send a message to Jesus or Buddha or whatever God you pray to? If yes please sms your message to 1800-FuckYou for your personalised message of salvation! Yay.
Shit is really getting worse and worse. On the National Day our Lord the great Lee Hsien Loong(May the Gods bless his soul) said something about mee siam mai hum. Eh good sir. Mee siam no hum la. I tell you next parliamentary debate the first bill on the List shall be enacting an ordinance that makes it mandatory for Mee Siam to have hum. If don't have will have fine of $1000/- bucks, maximum 2 months imprisonment and kena rattan 24 strokes. Then great Lee Hsien Loong will claim that he inherited clairvoryant powers from his father's side(Guess who! Not going to name him. The internet has ears.) and he could prophesise that mee siam will have hum. Then everyone will cheer, and next day we will have to wake up on 5 o clock in the morning every bloody day to pray to the Prophets Lee. Too bad for the jews who wanted to eat mee siam.
I must seriously get a smoke soon or I will post all the seditive shit on the net and get sued. I must smoke Lucky Strikes. I must smoke Lucky Strikes. I must.....
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Drama Alert!
First defender Marco Materazzi spoke in Italian - a language understood by Zidane who once played for Italian side Juventus - grabbed his opponent and told him 'hold on, wait, that one's not for a ****** like you.'
It is not clear whether the Italian was referring to the ball heading their way or his own groping of Zidane.
The expert, who can lip read foreign languages phonetically and translate with the aid of an Italian interpreter, was unable to see what Zidane said in reply.
But she saw that as the players walked forward Materazzi said: 'We all know you are the son of a terrorist whore.'
Then, just before the headbutt, he was seen saying,: 'So just **** off.'
The translation tallies with the words of Zidane's agent who said the player had told him the Italian made a 'very serious' comment.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Coolest World Cup ever!
Sunday, July 02, 2006
This is full of shit!
NATIONAL Development Minister Mah Bow Tan has told opposition MP Chiam See Tong that he can proceed with lift upgrading plans using the funds which the Potong Pasir MP said his town had.
But Mr Mah said there was no question of an 80-million-dollar upgrading package being made available.
'The $80 million upgrading package was proposed by Mr Sitoh Yih Pin, the PAP candidate for Potong Pasir, as his plans for the constituency if he was elected the Member of Parliament,' Mr Mah said in a letter to Mr Chiam on Wednesday.
'It was on this basis that I promised to help Mr Sitoh secure the funds for the upgrading programme.
'As the majority of Potong Pasir voters rejected Mr Sitoh and his plan, the issue of funding no longer arises,' Mr Mah wrote.
Mr Mah said nevertheless, as the Government has announced, all eligible HDB blocks will have lift upgrading by 2014. And this includes eligible blocks in Potong Pasir.
Mr Chiam had written to the National Development Ministryasking for access to $80 million in funds that had reportedly been earmarked for upgrading in the constituency.
In a letter to Mr Mah last week, he referred to comments by Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong and media reports during the election campaign about an $80 million upgrading programme for the ward if the PAP candidate won it.
He asked Mr Mah for details which the ministry may need from him and how he could go about 'to claim the said upgrading packages which will benefit the residents of Potong Pasir'.
Another opposition MP, Hougang's Low Thia Khiang, said he would apply for a 100-million-dollar upgrading fund that residents inhis constituency had also been told about during the election.
This is damn fucked up. Eh, the people in Potong Pasir and Hougang not Singaporean si boh? They what, Dukedom of Potong Pasir and United Hougang Federation issit? Lan jiao. They pay the same amount of tax leh. GST they pay, Road Tax they pay, Parking Tax they pay, T.V tax they pay. They also PAP leh! Pay and Pay! But after they Pay and Pay you say they don't deserve this cos' their constituency don't want to PAP? Lan jiao you understand?
Hun ki price go up, simi lan jiao price go up except wages. Ni niang eh la. Now fishball noodle 4 dollars at food court only give you 2 fish ball. Knn the fish ball so small, lim beh eh ball bigger then that ball la! G.E over only for 2 months nia all this shit happen liao.
Chee bye you understand? Chee bye!
If this go on, Yew Tee won't be the kampung. Hougang and Potong Pasir will. Next time we can request Red Cross and United Nations send their rations and supplies to Hougang and Potong Pasir also. Then if Singapore is attacked, SAF won't protect Hougang and Potong Pasir and Chiam and Loh can hire Bobba Fett to fight for him liao.
The new generation of voters won't forget. Lift upgrading don't matter to most of us. But the injustice will torment us.
August will be a bitch.
Met up with Johann and Bei yesterday! As usual, we played dai dee for th entire time we spent together. Just like the good ole' days. Nothing like familiarity to help you relax! Hard to find time to spend with everyone man.
Met up with my Lcomm group also. With Jane Marie Ng. Basically our group failed like shit I think. We asked a lot of relevant questions but the tutors, with all due respect, don't understand! Like the one about what colour of the clothes the client was wearing! Eh dey, it is 2.00 a.m. in the morning, and you are cycling! Of course we need to find out what colour of the clothes she's wearing mah! If she's dressed like a gothic wannabe, confirm pruss d0ubblee ch0pp stampp kenaa hitt byy carr w0rX!
It's funny how "dumb" questions can actually be "smart".
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Peak oil has come and past.
But, as much as I dislike PAP's policies, I think that the Ruling Party can do shit. Oil prices are beyond our control. It's beyond most countries control. Maybe besides the major oil producing countries, but I doubt it. Output is decreasing, and consumption is soaring. Apocalypse is coming soon.
We need nuclear power like seriously.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Zhen Hao and Hiappy's Chalet

Chalets are the best time to catch up with your sins and your friends! Those hard to meet up ones like Vanessa, Zul, Xiang and HL! Thanks for appearing man. And a big thank you to Vannessa for The Sims 2.
Went to Escape Theme Park with Hiappy, PC and Eugene! Hahah! Eugene met his new best friend at the Viking Ride! The best friend is a bit mentally ill and kept talking to Eugene and hitting the head of the lady in front of him. We call him Timmy. Guess where did that name come from? No points tho. The Escape trip was damn fun. Partly because it's free and also because it reignited 4E4 memories! All the HYPERSPEEDING and such! God, how much would I give to relive those moments again.
Took a lot of laughing gas, alcohol and ciggys. Won't go into further details. It's a life of sins.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
The price of freedom
Dr. Russel NormanCo-Leader
Spokesperson on economics, electoral matters and trade
The price of freedom
19 June 2006
“Helen Clark’s reported comments that she did not intend to raise human rights issues with Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee during his visit are quite shocking,” Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman says.
“If true, it is inexcusable that the Government refuses to raise or criticise human rights in Singapore during the visit of Singapore’s Prime Minister. I can only presume that this is because of the sensitivity over trade issues,” says Dr. Norman, the Green Party trade spokesperson.
“The Singapore Government routinely suppresses free speech and the right to free assembly, as documented by Amnesty International reports.
“We have a duty to the ordinary citizens of Singapore to speak out about the human rights abuses of their Government because they are not allowed to speak out themselves.
The leader of the opposition in Singapore faces expulsion from parliament because he dared speak out against the Government. He was sued for defamation and fined $500,000 and now faces bankruptcy and expulsion from parliament, just as the leader of the opposition Workers’ Party was before him.
“If the price of freedom is eternal vigilance, as Thomas Jefferson once said, then we shouldn’t let our vigilance lapse just because the Government is aiming at more free trade deals in Asia.
“If New Zealand MPs were thrown out of parliament for disagreeing with the Government, would we not expect other democratic nations to speak out,” asks Dr. Norman.
Singapore PM defends island's democratic freedoms during New Zealand visit WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Monday argued that his tightly controlled island state enjoys political freedom, saying his government has no reason to restrict democratic rights. Lee was asked by journalists about democratic freedoms in Singapore during his first-ever visit to New Zealand, where he held talks with Prime Minister Helen Clark Monday on trade, investment and other bilateral issues. Clark said the issue of free speech had not been discussed at their meeting. Lee told reporters Singapore's government had "no reason to want to restrict any democratic or political rights of opposition politicians or leaders'' and that free speech was allowed as long as speakers stayed within the law. "You can make speeches, you can publish articles, you can put things up on the Internet, you can speak _ we have a speakers' corner which is highly underutilized _ and contest elections,'' he said. Lee's ruling People Action Party _ which has won every general election held since Singapore became independent in 1965 _ maintains sharp limits on freedom of speech and assembly, and its leaders have sidelined some opposition figures with defamation suits that have rendered them bankrupt, making them ineligible for office. Forty-seven opposition politicians contested May elections, but "the electorate rejected them,'' Lee said. - AP
Singaporean PM arrives at Parliament
19 June 2006![]() |
Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong was greeted with pomp, ceremony and a 19-gun salute when he arrived at Parliament this morning.
In blustery conditions Mr Loong watched the traditional Maori welcome before meeting Prime Minister Helen Clark and Speaker Margaret Wilson just after 10.30am.
The trio shared an umbrella across the forecourt where Mr Loong inspected the awaiting troops and was treated to a rendition of Penny Lane by the Air Force band before heading up Parliament's steps' – especially adorned in red carpet for him.
One lone protester did his best to interrupt proceedings.
The protester, George Darroch, yelled "shame", "freedom of speech" and "freedom of assembly".
He told reporters that freedom of speech was severely restricted in Singapore; public gatherings or protests were not allowed and people were jailed for expressing their opinions.
"I'm not prepared to give him the level of respect that this ceremony gives him so that's why I'm here to disrupt the ceremony, that's why I'm here to make an idiot of myself."
He urged Miss Clark to raise issues of freedom of speech and also the death penalty with Mr Loong.
Mr Darroch, a member of Amnesty International, said he was protesting as a concerned individual.
Meanwhile a few supporters were on hand taking photos of Mr Loong with cameras and cellphones.
While in Wellington today the visiting Prime Minister will have talks with Miss Clark followed by a meeting with ministers before a lunchtime press conference.
He will meet National leader Don Brash later in the day and will lay a wreath at the National War Memorial.
His day will end with a dinner at Premier House hosted by Miss Clark and tomorrow will be spent in Auckland.
Miss Clark earlier said the visit was an opportunity to focus on trade and investment as Singapore was a crucial hub for many New Zealand businesses in Asian markets.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Whoah cool cat!
Jack the Cat Chases Black Bear Up Tree
Jack the Cat Proves His Mettle by Chasing Black Bear Up Tree in N.J.
WEST MILFORD, N.J. Jun 9, 2006 (AP)— A black bear picked the wrong New Jersey yard for a jaunt earlier this week, running into a territorial tabby who ran the furry beast up a tree twice.
Jack, a 15-pound orange-and-white cat, keeps a close vigil on his property, chasing small animals when he can, but his owners and neighbors say his latest escapade was surprising.
"We used to joke, 'Jack's on duty,' never knowing he'd go after a bear," cat owner Donna Dickey told The Star-Ledger of Newark for Friday's newspapers.
Neighbor Suzanne Giovanetti first spotted Jack's accomplishment after her husband saw a bear climb a tree on the edge of their northern New Jersey home's back yard on Sunday. Giovanetti thought Jack was simply looking up at the bear, but soon realized the much larger animal was afraid of the hissing cat.
After about 15 minutes peering down at the cat from the tree, the bear descended and tried to run away, only to have Jack chase it up another tree.
At this point Dickey, who feared for her cat, called Jack back home and the bear scurried back to the woods.
"He doesn't want anybody in his yard," Dickey said.
Bear sightings are not unusual in West Milford, which experts consider one of the state's most bear-populated areas.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Tmr accountings! Yay! Hahahah! For the first time in my life I can actually do accounts! Yesssireee!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Oh my Chinese ancestry, gimme strength to tahan 2 more days of serious lack of cash. Lemme kiam siap for 2 more days. Lemme count every cent for 2 more days.
2 more days before financial salvation occurs. Oh Mao Zu Xi, I beseech thee, grant me the strength to serve my wallet for 2 days more. Amen.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
The disco turnout was average. Cos' I think business people like jitao despise us Law students. They like jitao fucking hate us cos' we damn kwai lan 1. We go everywhere must carry out law books then have the cover page facing out so that the WHOLE FUCKING WORLD gets to know that we are from LAW. We also like jitao in the lift will suddenly chup 1 Latin Phrase like "But KJ, isn't that Stare Decisis?" even though we like don't know how to use the phrases correctly. But speak in Latin damn seh bin 1. Jitao even if you are a beggar on the street who only knows how to smoke and drink, once you know Latin you jitao can be Politician liao. Cos' Politics is all about smoking the population and drinking in praises you don't rightly deserve mah.
Then me, Vicks and Winsor discovered something REALLY amazing! You can actually fill a toilet bowl to the brim with ice, then flush them down! We thought it would choke or something but it just went "BSHHH!" and go down la. Must get Winsor to send me the video someday.
Now I'm fucking poor. Seriously. I need to ask my brother Kannan to intro intro me some job at the construction site or something. Or else I jitao cannot continue my life without my booze and sins. What to do, Lim beh scum.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Monday, May 15, 2006
Then you know that lady miss Joanna. She is extremely violent. So if you all see her under the void deck of anywhere in Singapore, please be a man. Do the right thing. Run away. Get far far away from her. Do not come within a metre from her or she will start to use criminal force on you which in turn causes hurt.
You have been warned!
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Eh Elections over!
But seriously. I really do hope that my countrymen realise the danger of having 1 party in power.
My mum said that youngsters do not appreciate what the PAP done for us. Many of my friends know what the PAP did for us. That's what 2 years of biased Social Studies do to us. But it's hard for us to appreciate what the PAP done for us when all we went through is the education system, and it's real screwed up. It's hard for us to appreciate what the PAP is doing when we feel the pinch of the education system man.
I think for the Worker's Party to really excel, they must know that they must not adopt populist measures. That's a crate of dynamite in politics in Singapore. The PAP will target your statements. They will present themselves as one that think ahead. and the James Gomez think was a political quagmire. Either way you lose. If you remove Gomez, the country will think of you as not a united party. If you let Gomez stay, the country will think that you are taking the issue lightly.
But congrats to the PAP and the WP. You all did a great job. Cheers.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Tiring days!
Tomorrow's the Election Day! Yessire! Hahahaah! Power to the people! Democracy lai democracy! But the PAP will still win. I hope the WP gets a stronger foothold so as to have a bigger say in Parliament! LSM arh LSM.
Cheer up Hiap Seng. Death is nothing but the next great adventure.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

"I hate to be blunt, but JC students are better than polytechnic students, period." Cut off point per se, yes. But as for job opportunities and others, maybe no. It is really close minded and factually inaccurate for her to make such a statement. Maybe accuracy is not of utmost importance for her.
But seriously, why deepen the chasm between JCs and Polytechnics? Serves no purpose if you ask me. But then again, I'm not doing my LLB or English honours like Miss Adeline Koh, so maybe the reason is too academic for me to ever understand.
Monday, April 24, 2006
School's starting.
Law orientation was an eye-opener. Now I have a new sensitive issue besides religion, which is leadership skills! Yi shan bu nen you er hu, as the Tiong Kok lang always say.
I miss my apple crumble.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
New skin!
Then I wanted to look for simple skins. Easy right? Just type in the word "simple" in the search bar? BUT NOOO!!! When I did it there was like at least 10 simple plan skins! So I recoiled in horror. And I had to calm myself down for 10 minutes before I dare to walk into the abyss of Emo-ness! It's like Frodo going to Mount Doom I tell you. At least he had Sam to accompany him! And most likely brokeback with him!
So after trails that would even daunt Heracles, I found this wonderful skin! Easy to read, nice layout!To the skin creator, thank you! You made me regain faith in humanity again! You are my hope and savior! Amen!
You never know what you had until you lose them man. Sounds cliche, no? But it's true man. I formatted both of my hard drives yesterday and all my pr0n0 was gone! Now I miss them! Shit!
Format: The cleansing of your soul!
The week before school start is always the most hectic ones I guess. Next week I gotta go for some SL tea party, Law Meeting, Entrepreneurship Lecture, the Business orientation and Law orientation! And that's gonna take up the whole fucking week! Wanna relak at home and kio kar yo lam par also cannot. Never mind! Hope my group got mei mei or else I sure die!
Monday, April 10, 2006
New speakers!
I saw the Minister of Law yesterday! Prof Jayakumar came to Aljunied GRC and shook the hands of the people who were eating there! Elections damn cool ok?
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Blue Jays the Lan Jiao!
Fuck. Need to go to my brother's school at Yew Tee tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
I wanna pcc in public mans!
Reggie Frank, 34, had just been sentenced over closed circuit television on April 4 to six months in the Middlesex County Detention Center for masturbating in the women’s lingerie section of the Lord & Taylor at Woodbridge Center Mall, when he decided to begin doing what landed him in jail in the first place, police said.
“The way the system works with closed circuit TV is they can see and talk to him up here at Woodbridge,” Capt. Charles Rowinski said. “If they plead guilty, the judge can sentence him over T;, if they plead not guilty, they have to come before the judge [in person].”
Frank, who was being held at the Middlesex County Detention Center, had pleaded guilty to the lewdness charge and was being sentenced by Municipal Court Judge Emery Z. Toth over closed circuit TV, he said.
The court clerk alleged Frank had been acting agitated and was using profanity during the process, according to the police report.
“The judge sentenced him to six months and apparently the defendant thought it should be less,” Rowinski said.
After sentencing, Toth left the conference room and Frank moved off camera, police said.
Moments later, Frank reappeared on camera while exposing his genitals and masturbating, police said.
A criminal complaint was signed by the clerk against Frank, whose bail was set at $75,000 with no 10-percent option.
Whoah! A man of principle!
My eyes! The goggles do nothing!

So I was surfing the place that didn't exist when I saw this photo. Nah beh. Lim beh thought is char bor. Then knn end up become tar bor. Bloody bishounens.
Japan is really a cesspool of ideas. Look at the lolitas and the goths and the emos there man. Damn cool place to be in. Cool till' our teenagers wanna imitate. Like Jeslyn! That day I was like looking at my MSN block list. Then I saw this girl:
Miniistry 0ff harrtbreakss: Fr0mm japp t00 g0thhic, shudden channgee
Then after a while I looked again, this time it was:
Miniistry off harrtbreakss: I amm evill xia00 mann t0uu, I'll crushh eurr b0nness andd drinnk eurre bl00d.
FUCK! I just cannot get the images out of my brain! Jitao gothic pac man! She already looked like a vampire to start with, now she wanna be gothic!? WTF!? The ancient goths are roiling in their graves! This travesty cannot be go unpunished! The dark Gods are displeased!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Gamers unite!
In an era of structured education and standardized testing, this generational difference might not yet be evident. But the gamers' mindset - the fact that they are learning in a totally new way - means they'll treat the world as a place for creation, not consumption. This is the true impact videogames will have on our culture.
Society, however, notices only the negative. Most people on the far side of the generational divide - elders - look at games and see a list of ills (they're violent, addictive, childish, worthless). Some of these labels may be deserved. But the positive aspects of gaming - creativity, community, self-esteem, problem-solving - are somehow less visible to nongamers.
I think part of this stems from the fact that watching someone play a game is a different experience than actually holding the controller and playing it yourself. Vastly different. Imagine that all you knew about movies was gleaned through observing the audience in a theater - but that you had never watched a film. You would conclude that movies induce lethargy and junk-food binges. That may be true, but you're missing the big picture.
So it's time to reconsider games, to recognize what's different about them and how they benefit - not denigrate - culture. Consider, for instance, their "possibility space": Games usually start at a well-defined state (the setup in chess, for instance) and end when a specific state is reached (the king is checkmated). Players navigate this possibility space by their choices and actions; every player's path is unique.
Games cultivate - and exploit - possibility space better than any other medium. In linear storytelling, we can only imagine the possibility space that surrounds the narrative: What if Luke had joined the Dark Side? What if Neo isn't the One? In interactive media, we can explore it.
Like the toys of our youth, modern videogames rely on the player's active involvement. We're invited to create and interact with elaborately simulated worlds, characters, and story lines. Games aren't just fantasy worlds to explore; they actually amplify our powers of imagination.
Think of it this way: Most technologies can be seen as an enhancement of some part of our bodies (car/legs, house/skin, TV/senses). From the start, computers have been understood as an extension of the human brain; the first computers were referred to as mechanical brains and analytical engines. We saw their primary value as automated number crunchers that far exceeded our own meager abilities.
But the Internet has morphed what we used to think of as a fancy calculator into a fancy telephone with email, chat groups, IM, and blogs. It turns out that we don't use computers to enhance our math skills - we use them to expand our people skills.
The same transformation is happening in games. Early computer games were little toy worlds with primitive graphics and simple problems. It was up to the player's imagination to turn the tiny blobs on the screen into, say, people or tanks. As computer graphics advanced, game designers showed some Hollywood envy: They added elaborate cutscenes, epic plots, and, of course, increasingly detailed graphics. They bought into the idea that world building and storytelling are best left to professionals, and they pushed out the player. But in their rapture over computer processing, games designers forgot that there's a second processor at work: the player's imagination.
Now, rather than go Hollywood, some game designers are deploying that second processor to break down the wall between producers and consumers. By moving away from the idea that media is something developed by the few (movie and TV studios, book publishers, game companies) and consumed in a one-size-fits-all form, we open up a world of possibilities. Instead of leaving player creativity at the door, we are inviting it back to help build, design, and populate our digital worlds.
More games now include features that let players invent some aspect of their virtual world, from characters to cars. And more games entice players to become creative partners in world building, letting them mod its overall look and feel. The online communities that form around these imaginative activities are some of the most vibrant on the Web. For these players, games are not just entertainment but a vehicle for self-expression.
Games have the potential to subsume almost all other forms of entertainment media. They can tell us stories, offer us music, give us challenges, allow us to communicate and interact with others, encourage us to make things, connect us to new communities, and let us play. Unlike most other forms of media, games are inherently malleable. Player mods are just the first step down this path.
Soon games will start to build simple models of us, the players. They will learn what we like to do, what we're good at, what interests and challenges us. They will observe us. They will record the decisions we make, consider how we solve problems, and evaluate how skilled we are in various circumstances. Over time, these games will become able to modify themselves to better "fit" each individual. They will adjust their difficulty on the fly, bring in new content, and create story lines. Much of this original material will be created by other players, and the system will move it to those it determines will enjoy it most.
Games are evolving to entertain, educate, and engage us individually. These personalized games will reflect who we are and what we enjoy, much as our choice of books and music does now. They will allow us to express ourselves, meet others, and create things that we can only dimly imagine. They will enable us to share and combine these creations, to build vast playgrounds. And more than ever, games will be a visible, external amplification of the human imagination.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Obssessed man!
Got my results. Damn sucky. Shan't talk about it.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Long long trip!
First day wasn't that interesting. Went to the local market and had breakfast. Walked around the marketplace. Went back to the hotel and slept. Decided that going out wasn't that fun after all. Stayed at the hotel and basically rotted.
The trip to Hatyai was interesting! I Had to sit at the front of the van cos' the back is packed. And so I sat there. There was this Thai driver who put Thai rock songs into the music player and he was singing there. His voice is quite nice! So I tapped out the beat and he gave me a quizzical look. Huan lo la. Then continued tapping out the beat and he continued singing. First time to Thailand man. When we crossed the border, there was this big potrait of the King of Thailand and the princess or whatever! Damn cool! I wanna be king next time man! Like Lion King! Not liang po po's lion king, but LIONG KING! Reached the hotel. Some Siam Center Hotel. Quite nice + cheap! 40 Singapore Dollars! Decided to walk around Hatyai. Damn hot ok.
The Thai people are really the most fantastic people! Even though you really cannot decide whether this person is a guy or gal due to the sex change operations, they are really damn friendy. You catch their eye, and they will flash you one damn sincere smile! Then if you are lost they will help you without even you asking!
Now before I go on, I really must elaborate on this aunt's friend. She came along for this trip and she was THE BITCH. Jeslyn pales in comparision man. She is like 60 years old but she still acts like Joanna's age! She would throw her tantrum over stuff like "Oh, I couldn't find this and that" or "I don't wanna pay for that" and my poor aunt has to por her. Eh knn leh. Come vacation don't like that la.
Whenever my mum and my bunch of relatives go out, they would put some cash inside this pouch and get someone to be the "finance manager" for the day. So basically, the lucky chap gets to pay for food using the money in the pouch. So each of us put 500 bucks inside the pouch. The @#%#@$ did like wise. But whenever we wanted to spend some money on food, the $%^#@$@! would stare at us as if we all are like robbing her in broad daylight. WE EAT THE FOOD. INCLUDING the lady. But she would grumble and nag.
Eh. Is this the first time you go out with my folks? We eat everywhere we go 1 leh. Inside toilet see got spider like tasty oso can eat. Joking. But no. She would grumble. Eh. We asked for your opinion on whether you wanna eat her and you gave us those "Le ai jiak jiak la!"
Then if my aunt didn't por her she would really frigging punish herself just to make us guilty. Really. On the last day, the lady did not eat at all. Cos' she couldn't buy some pia or whatever. I think that she is secretly a Jew with chinese and Indian ancestries. No one in the right mind would do that man.
Anyway back to the topic. We ordered food in the restaurant. Including lobsters. The chef ended up lobbing up shrimps instead of lobsters. Stunned puberty. Like me and Hock Yew. Nyeh. Went out to shop again. Didn't buy anything this time. Case closed.
Next day. Woke up and had breakfast at the hotel. Went out to shop(why am I not suprised) and eat again. Again. Nothing much actually. Came back and went to the massage parlour. First time massage so like very the very the shy arh. Then my mum was like damn funny. She said:
"Eh bian. Bu yao special service hor."
I dunno they male or female still want extra service?! I have extremely high standards towards the people I pass my genetic code to ok?! MUST BE FEMALE!
The lady(I think) just massaged me fer like 2 hours. 240 baht which means it's like 10 bucks. Cheap man. What's more the lady, according to my niang's opinion, is the ultimate compared to her's. Ok. Point noted.
Came back. Ordered the room service. The beef steak must have came from Niu Mo Wang cos the steak is damn tough! Had trouble eating! Slept after that.
And I woke up with the most horrendous stomachache + gastric pain. Knn must be the beef steak! "Even in death I still serve." Quote from Dreadnought in Warhammer 40k. Nevermind. I went to see a doctor in Thailand. The doc speaks mandarin! Hooray! So I had my medicine. Took the van back to Penang. By that time I reached there, my fever was raging. Went to the room and slept. Almost took a plane back. But in the end I slept through and KJ won the battle against E. Coli bateria! 3 cheers for my immune system! Death to virii and bateria that cause infirmity!
Damn lazy to blog. Tmr la.
Friday, February 24, 2006
I must make my own sex video liao man!
Wah kao! Unlock my inner cheerleader? Later like Tammy how?
That Tammy girl is damn poor thing. Now the whole world knows that she had sex with someone. Even the forum I frequents knows that her sex video was out there. There's everyone's trading her videos online man! Wasted she's not Paris Hilton or else she could have gotten a job as a model! Kena fucked by society man. Last I heard, she is facing expel?
WTF? Expel her for? Having sex with another man and getting caught? Or ruining the school's reputation? This is unfair man.
Then somemore there's this big mainstream media hoo-haa. It seems that we Singaporeans are still damn sheltered. Hey, every teenager out there is not promiscuous nor are we sexual creatures! Nan mo orh mee tuo fuo and amen for good measure. Please my fellow countrymen. There's no need to write to Straits Times to say that you are disgusted with the moral decay of our society and infidels should be struck down by the wrath of God. She made a mistake, yes, but I believe that pre-maritual sex exists in your generation too. Hell, you might even had taken part in it. So don't cover your eyes with the fabric of society norms. Do not stick your head into the sand. Teenagers, just like you at that age, have sex.
Get over it good sirs and madams.